Since that time, several flood events have occurred in which the model forecasts have proven to be very useful indeed.įorecasts and warnings will be disseminated to stakeholders using a combination of FTP, email and a Telegram channel. The system has run without interruption since mid October 2017.
Workflows are automatically started using the Windows Task Scheduler. The system is implemented as a stand-alone system and resides on a dedicated desktop computer. Hydrological models are forced with Met Éireann's HARMONIE precipitation forecasts Thus estimated future water levels and streamflow rates are subsequently used to estimate scour levels. Based on the value of the Antecedent Precipitation Index, one of the models is selected as ‘official forecast model'. A blend of Met Éireann's HARMONIE and the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction's Global Forecasting System precipitation forecasts is used to force multiple HEC-HMS hydrological and streamflow propagation models. The Bandon FFS is based on the Delft-FEWS forecast production system.

Within the context of the EC funded Intelligent Bridge Assessment Maintenance and Management System (BRIDGE SMS) project, a real-time flood and scour forecasting system was developed by University College Cork under guidance of Deltares.

Real time forecasting may allow for timely closure of bridges, thus preventing any casualties. Bridges over rivers may collapse as a result of flood induced scour which decreases a bridge's foundation ability to carry its own weight.